DK's Bananas:

b1. Barrel Blast pad: Go to the second section of the level, and in front of a temple with a llama face on it there's a DK pad. Complete the barrel challenge to free the llama, who will leave a banana in his cage. b2. After freeing Lanky, ge will reveal a banana in his cage. To know how to free him go to the Tips/Cheats section. b3. After Diddy feeds the rotating tower ( see Diddy's walkthrough for this ) Switches will appear in a near by building. Shoot Donkey's switch and search for the banana inside. Once you get it, get fast out of there. b4. Go inside the llama temple. Look for a staircase that leads to a DK switch. Simian Slam it and a door will open near Funky's Arsenal. Make sure you've bought DK's Strong Kong from Cranky in that level and jump on a DK barrel near Funky's. Now go into the now opened cave and inside there will be a bananaport#5 and a Bonus Barrel. Complete Stealthy Snoop to win a banana. bp. Go to the first cave. Make sure you've bought Cranky's Strong Kong first. You will see in the cave two Coconut switches. Shoot them and the door will open. Jump in the DK barrel and go across the hot sand. A yellow-haired kasplat will be there. Kill it and retrieve the blueprint to Snide to get a banana. Diddy's bananas: 
b1. After freeing Tiny( see Tips/cheats section ), get the banana she will leave in her cage. b2. In the second area, look for four gongs in a square. Chimpy Carge them to reveal a big tower. Now go up some stairs near to bananaport 3 and jump in the Diddy barrel ( shown in the map )( make sure you've bought Jetpack barrel from Cranky first ) Then fly to the top of the tower, where there is a banana. b3. Go to the Jetpack barrel ( shown in the map )and fly to the building with a red roof and Simian Slam the Diddy switch to make the pillar in the centre rotate. Then shoot peanuts at its mouth until switches appear in a nearby building. Then go with Diddy and shoot the peanut switch in that building and enter. Shoot all he switches that are there and grab the banana. Get out of there fast because a timer will go in. b4. Again, go to the Jetpack Barrel. Fly through the sun in the rotating tower three times and a cage with a vulture will open. Go through all the rings he makes and a banana will appear. Get it. bp. In the first section, there's also a Jetpack barrel. ( shown in the map ) Jump on it and go atop the nearby building. Kill the red-haired kasplat and retrieve the blueprint to Snide to win a banana.
Lanky's bananas: ![03tiny[1].jpeg]([1].jpeg)
b1. Go to the first temple ( the one where Tiny was freed ) Swim in the water and follow the blue bananas to get to a kind of island. Simian Slam the Lanky Switch in the middle to reveal a vulture. Shoot him with grapes 5 times to get a banana. b2. Go to the llama temple ( the one with a llama face in the door ) and shoot the grape switch in a big door to open it. Simian slam the Lanky switch to activate the 16 monkey faces. Shoot them in pairs ( two green, two yellow, etc.. ) and you will get a banana. b3. Go to the llama temple again. Play your instrument in the trombone pad and a bridge will appear. Orangstand up to it and enter the bonus barrel. Complete Teetering Turtle Trouble to win a banana. b4. Go to the building that has 5 doors with different switches. ( After diddy fed the rotating Tower ) Shoot a grape in the grape switch and enter with Lanky to the now opened door. Explore around and complete Big Bug Bash! to win a banana. bp. Go to the llama temple. Teleport by banaport#2 ( make sure Tiny got her banana first ) and kill the Kasplat for its blueprint. Retrieve the blueprint to Snide to get a banana. |